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Self-Care Tips

Self-Care Tips

How many of us are guilty of rushing through the day, running through our to-do's, taking care of XYZ, but forget to take care of ourselves? It's more important than ever to take a pause, and recognize the importance of maintaining our own physical and mental health. Today we're sharing tips for incorporating self-care into your every day life.  

Practice Gratitude

up close photo of a white journal and rose gold pen

Source: Jess Bailey via Unsplash

Practicing gratitude can help get the positive thoughts flowing and you’ll also notice that more positivity will come your way. Positive mind equals positive mind. Whenever you feel sad or start to have negative thoughts, try some of these gratitude exercises/ideas.

  • Start each morning with voicing at least 3 things you're grateful for
  • Make a gratitude jar: write at least one thing you’re grateful for that day, and at the end of the week/month look through all the things you've written 
  • Write a positive letter to yourself so that you can read it in the future
  • Print out a photo or quote that makes you feel good and place it in a common area such as your dresser or bathroom mirror 
  • Give someone a genuine compliment


Move Your Body

silhouette of a girl doing a mediation/yoga post on a wooden patio with a tree in the background

Source: Jared Rice via Unsplash

Any type of movement, whether it’s stretching, walking, or running can loosen your muscles and relieve tension. Better yet, break out the beatbox, and dance like no one’s watching! When you move your body, endorphins get released, so you are left feeling positive, motivated, and relaxed.


Treat yourself

coffee on a white table

Source: Jarek Cebroski via Unsplash

When was the last time you treated yourself to something special? When you regularly treat yourself better, you feel good about yourself, and when you feel good about yourself the people around you feed off your energy. You get what you give. Learning how to be good to yourself trains others on how they should treat you. 

Here are some fun ideas for treating yourself on a regular day:

  • Switch out fruits for ice cream
  • Make your favorite drink
  • Give yourself a nice spa day at home with a bath, facials, and nice scents
  • Cook your favorite dish
  • Read a book that interests you 

We hope these easy-to-apply tips inspire you to start caring for yourself a bit more. Remember to rest, prioritize and love yourself. You deserve it. Let us know in the comments what's your favorite way to self-care?

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